Fee Information
School Tuition Fee
School Tuition Fee for academic year 2022/2023 is HK$ 188,000 for all year group
Tuition fee is payable in ten instalments during academic year
Tuition fee will be on a pro-rota basis if the student is to start in the middle of a term
School fees at Inno Secondary School are benchmarked against the best international schools in Hong Kong. Inno Secondary School is a private secondary school and receives no government bursaries, and as such all fees needed are collected by the school itself.
School Tuition Fee
School Tuition Fee for academic year 2024/2025 is HK$ 188,000 for all year group.
Tuition fee is payable in ten instalments during academic year
Tuition fee will be on a pro-rota basis if the student is to start in the middle of a term
Other fees
Every student must be covered by an Admission Fee or a Debenture, more information can be found in Fees Policy.
Bus fees, uniform, 'bring-your-own' devices ( laptops & tablets ), lunch, exam fees, extra-curricular activities and overseas education visits are not included in the School's Tuition Fee.